Now! Solar boosted

I'll be in Napa, CA later this week for our AngelMD Alpha Conference. We're doing a lovely dinner on a wine train.

I'll be going to In-n-Out.

The man suddenly flipped on his position about Trump there is a reason. He admits his email was hacked by Russia (Cry for help of being blackmailed) and then suddenly he starts defending Trump

Now! Solar boosted

RT @[email protected]: Tonight, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted 229-185 AGAINST requesting Pres. Trump's tax returns

The FBI raided the home of a suspected ISIS supporter in Sterling, Virginia. The man tried to escape, but was arrested, according to an FBI affidavit Explains why Lindsey Graham suddenly flipped in support of Trump Russia hacked him and is blackmailing

My name is Eugene Wilkie I am one of the 1st pioneers of the solar industry. I have built several successful companies currently and

I really like the format here and that the security measures have been added

Now! Solar

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.