Today I have things I need to do, should do, and want to do....we all know how this is going to play out. 😅☕

It's a rainy Thursday and deadline day for props I haven't even begun to make. I sense a 'Dexter' marathon is about to happen. A serial killer and hot glue gun kind of day😅

When your son is studying film, you get to see movies you otherwise may have not known about. Last night was the Korean film, 'The man from nowhere'. Highly recommend. We couldn't find a copy with subtitles but the dubbed version was very well done.

I work from home and have no sense of self discipline so it's either sew(work) or strip an old door(play). The allure of old lead paint and a heavy face mask is calling me.

You know it's sunday when getting dressed just means putting a bra on under the jammies. Coffee and bad tv to round it out☕

Good morning! Today feels like a good day for coffee and getting stuff done. Happy Friday to all.

Hello world. Happy to find myself here. Looking forward good discussions and interesting perspectives.


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