The collections of “mocking trump” NFTs are gonna end up with more than his collection.

I also don't know if their pubic API let's you get that information, so might be a dead idea. Just trying to find a way that doesn't involve having to use personal Twitter API keys 🤷🏼‍♂️

No complaints, you are always doing amazing stuff! Just want to see more people here so it's easier to give the bird to the bird

I know it's a lot of work. Just would be nice...
1. I register my Twitter handle on CS
2. CS gives me a public key.
3. I tweet on Twitter the public key @CSJOIN or something with a link to my profile saying I joined CS.
4. CS lets me see a list of Twitter accounts I follow that are on CS.
5. I get to find people I follow
6. CS gets promotion tweets
7. You get more sleepless nights.

I know you are constantly implementing, but finding people who moved here is the hardest transition

As I clean up, clean out, and rearrange my Twitter accounts, I keep having to come back into CoSo to cool down like jumping back into a swimming pool on a 100 degree day (say about 40C for you non-Americans).

@th3j35t3r thank you for coso and many of the features, but especially for not auto refreshing my feed!

It's amazing how easily it is for me to find a shiny distraction when I need to do documentation...

If he’s really withholding needed supplies to states and causing contractors to withhold them as well, he should be impeached again.


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