@Valkyrie_D I will have the Starbucks hot chocolate, please and thank you! 🙃🤗
@Valkyrie_D @Warpspeed3 WHen I visited @BosmangBeratna up in Canada he asked me what I wanted to do while there.
"I want to try Tim Horton's coffee" I replied without skipping a beat.
@Valkyrie_D @Warpspeed3 @BosmangBeratna
Oh it was a fine experience! I was quite impressed.
Starbucks is often considered the go to here in the states, but I honestly don't like their coffee, probably because theirs is geared to be a mixer, and not just on its own.
@NiveusLepus @Valkyrie_D @Warpspeed3 @BosmangBeratna
@NiveusLepus and what was the verdict? Did you like it?
@Warpspeed3 @BosmangBeratna