@LnzyHou Good morning rad soul! How goes your dawn?
@LnzyHou Rad! Coffee is proof that the Gods love us and wish us happy.
@NiveusLepus It’s proof that stimulants make people more productive. That’s why we used to have gallons of it in urns during sales meetings.
@MidnightRider It's clear the Gods didn't want us sitting idle too. ^_^
@NiveusLepus America runs on Duncan! ( yet when my 94-year-old mom was a child, it ran on products with real cocaine in them available over the counter) 😎
@MidnightRider It was like that in the 80s too, but it was all behind the counter, or in somones shaving kit...
@MidnightRider I think, at that moment, I'd be to excited to see the far horizon to want to spend to long looking back.
@NiveusLepus You are 100% on point with that. I will be doing some of that very soon, looking toward the future that is.