Good morning groovy souls!
Yesterday I did my best to rest, but still some elements of stress did find me. I went to bed mostly on time, and slept hard.
I had some anxiety nightmares, and woke up cranky and irritated.
I've been trying to cultivate mindfulness, and so I stood for a moment before the mirror and breathed, then decided to respond the same way I respond to others that I try to be there for.
This may seem chessey but I said to myself. "Hello anger, and irritation. It's ok. I'm not going to do anything but sit with you, and work this out. I'm going to choose patience, not force."
No toxic positivity, no plastering on of smiles. My brain was doing its chemical thing I guess, as it wont to do, and adding to that fire, would only make it hotter.
So I went on with my morning, focusing on my breathing, working on my routines, drilling down into those things that I know bring peace.
Feelings are, but I am not my feelings. I am experiencing them. I have the choice when I recognize that separation.
I can choose to be whomever I wish in the face of everything the world and the brain chemicals give me.
Onward, toward the dawn!
(Now that I've gotten started, I'm feeling pretty decent!)
@NiveusLepus I like the person you keep choosing to be!
@AskTheDevil Thanks, Satan! ^_^
@AskTheDevil How are things with you lately?