@NiveusLepus Sounds heavy. Sending good vibes for a smooth time of it. ((hugs))
@wolfwoman We’ve been estranged for 15 years or so. We were never close so its never factored much for me, but with my parents its another story.
As is common with brothers and sisters, I was often cruel to him growing up, so I plan to at least offer an apology for that, and if he’s receptive tell him a bit about my journey.
He’s a type of evangelical christian, though not devout so you can imagine he’s not very approving of me.
@NiveusLepus Ah, siblings. I had a long spell of not really talking to brother two years older. Politics.
We sort of reconciled in the sense that now we spend time together when I go to CA, and we just have some taboo subjects. It works.
@wolfwoman He doesn’t want my “lack of morality” corrupting his children… I’m trying to think how he put it, exactly but you get the gist.
I’m not christian, I’m not straight…but lately there’s been this kind of assumption that I’ll go back into the closet in the name of family harmony, but that’s a non starter with me.
@wolfwoman I often wonder about that. Jesus is a guy I’d love to get a cup of coffee with just to talk about things.
He’s a certain mix of quintessential American that’s for certain, hyper conservative, trump supporter, nominally evangelical christian, and DPS Trooper (State police)
He was the popular kid, I was always the freak show. I’m still kinda the freak show, but I own my eccentricity and have learned it is what makes me, me.