I've been on twitter for about two years, and it's never been as toxic for me as it was for others. I'm part of the #writingcommunity there which is an incredibly supportive group of folks.
The Indie #authors there have been a never ending support, and helped me sell works while I've striven to do the same.
I'm still over on birdland. Many of us are migrating, but I can't say goodbye to those folks yet.
It's not all bad anywhere, and wherever I find myself I hope to bring a little joy.
@NiveusLepus there are reasons I haven't left Twitter either - communities I'm part of there that sadly aren't over here (I hope they will be someday though). I have never really been part of the writer community on Twitter though, despite having done lots of Follow Fridays and so on back in the day, to follow other writers / get follows. I was more in the Writer blogger scene (I'm also not there anymore much either).
@TrishaGreenie I think things will build in time. This site seems to be evolving fast.
It's nice to meet you. One good thing about being here is that I've been able to make new connections. ^_^
@TrishaGreenie Oh cool, If you'd like for me to use them when I have relevant posts I'd be happy to.
And I agree, the people here have been great!