Nothing makes me as acutely aware of how old I am, and how disconnected from popular music I am, as the Grammys does, every year.

Colin Kapernick takes a knee and is soft nbanned from the NFL for what appears to be life
Kareem Hunt is on video, pushing, punching and kicking a woman while she is on the floor and just signed a contract to play for the Cleveland Browns next year

Nothing to see here, move along

I just had one of those infrequent but persistent moments of absolute disbelief that the incompetent, criminal, treasonous, pathological liar and failed businessman Donald Trump, the carnival barker reality TV performer, is the fucking president of the united states of america.

Ok. One more...
Want to play remember this? Just a few...

Like if you know what this is...and boost if you had it...

I don't wanna go to work today 😿😿😿😿

Someone almost always makes something like this for every president. Sometimes the humor is good natured, sometimes not...

Wait...I just saw the "alert" thing...this site has a scanner?

What is that little radio thing in the corner? Who's talking??

Dood...this site offers Esperanto as a language option...almost makes me wish I spoke Esperanto...

they're doing a purge of all things porn. Which would be (somewhat) fine and dandy except they're also going to start nuking a lot of LGBT and fandom stuff

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Nikademus Silverflame

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