After Meta (Facebook and Instagram) switched the legal basis for targeting advertising from automatic consent to opt-out, privacy watchdog noyb has built a tool for users to opt out of targeted advertising and various other claims made by Meta in an easy and legally sound way.
Meta requires users to fill out a hidden form.
This form requires users to argue why they want to perform an opt-out and explain why Meta’s, non-public, assessment is wrong in their individual case. An action that requires a user to click all the right buttons, understand legalese, and argue their points effectively
This has been made so complicated, that noyb thinks it is highly unlikely that any normal user would be able to successfully complete this process.
@Nick_Searles * retaliation
@ecksmc Thanks. I'll poke around.
@Nick_Searles if the US have the same opt-out I don't see why not
not 100% on that though
FTR I don't use facebook so didn't actually use the tool
you could E-Mail: i n f o [a] n o y b . e u and ask
or social media channels:
as far as relation goes meh the tool just helps users with filling in the the opt-out form that FB offer