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The story was about a man, his daughter, and a witch. He was a widower, and the daughter was hardly more than a toddler when the witch came through town. Jealous of the little girl’s beauty, and with no children of her own, the witch stole her away, cackling as she did that she was going to lock her away in a silver castle on a remote island. The man could free his daughter, but only if he could find the key to the castle, which he never would, because it was at the End of the World



Today, and in days ahead, soc med will be particularly emotionally dangerous as we see and remember the very worst of humans.

I hope everyone will extend extra patience and grace to themselves and others.

Pause before lashing out. You don't know how close someone might be to the traumas being highlighted

--no need to compound their harm.


It has been a long time since I saw all of you. I hope this new year brings you all some well deserved happiness

Who took down the FAA? The Batwing can't fly without authorization

Next trip to Jordan I will visit my Goddess Artemis Temple!!! Im so exited!

Now Jordan was nice, the country it self gave a Roman feel. I loved it.

in that topic, there a supervisor (not mine) that passes by my desk and shoulder surfs me all the time. I have a mirror on my desk now and when i see him I always turn angrily and asks "may I help you?". Should I just get aggressive? Im starting to get really pissied off by now.

coworker asked if I was on twitter. Why he cares?!

I have been away from Coso so long I dont know what to say...

Hey hackers!!! how are you all?! I have been working like crazy this pass months. Thank you all for the bday wishes and @ChippySuave for snitching! My work keeps blocking Coso on their servers and all that. Stay safe and remember I am watching you sleep, to keep you safe.

P.S. Alfred do not let @ChippySuave in to the house, she eats my coockies!

Greetings again hackers!!! Hope you all have a great day! Im still outside of the country. Be safe. Miss you all.

Good morning coso!!! my new job dosent block COSO!!! Good news!!!

good night Coso! happy fathers day to every one!!! I see @ChippySuave have been busy while I moved to Tampa, FL. I finally moved to my new home. Next week I will travel back to Gotham to work or might just work remotely Im still tired from this move

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The Real Batman

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