I'm excited for the Oscars tonight. Though I love all the best picture nominees, im rooting for Ladybird because it was filmed right in my Sacramento neighborhood.

Anyone following the Janus case that was argued before the Supreme Court today? Our union is holding a day of action this Wednesday to build solidarity. Any union supporters out there?

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The president sat in his chair.
A group of survivors was there.
He looked at a note
An aide of his wrote
And thus was reminded to care.

- @Limericking

Is anyone watching the CNN town hall? Turned it on when I got home from work, and wow. Just wow.

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Hahaha - "Jared Kushner is said to be 'resisting' giving up his access to highly classified information, pitting him against White House chief of staff John Kelly" - NYT

Is that how TS/SCI clearances work now? You can 'resist' having it yanked? Jesus Fkn Christ.

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Mike Farb is pointing out that theres a new crop of bots on birdshite. Many of them are accounts. I've noticed it several times, they don't always have the obvious bot @, but they are always tweeting not quite right articles. Check his thread, I'm going to go block everyone that is tweeting these carefully Russian created articles.

If it's from a Russian bot, there is no ethical follow or like or retweet.


I tried to talk to people on Rush Limbaugh's Facebook page. 9 people reported me as spam, but one person said he was glad we had a civil conversation. I may be crazy, but I just couldn't take the misinformation any more. The whole experience was exhausting.

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RT @[email protected]: 70 other students and I are trying to arrange a campaign to protest against gun violence in American schools and universities. Can you use your Twitter account help us spread the word? @[email protected]

I'm about halfway through Artemis by Andy Weir, the author of The Martian. Great characters and an engaging story. Takes place on the moon. Not as good as The Martian, but more fun.

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The one major takeaway from the Mueller indictment is that we got played. Hard. Intel officers will be studying this for years because as an op, it's damn near perfect.

Also, Facebook and Twitter better step their damn game up before November.

My takeaway: When we fight with each other, Russia wins. Divide and conquer is a very old strategy. Don't fall for it.

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To all the other academics and teachers on CoSo:

Stay safe today and everyday. 106 more sunsets until summer here in the northern hemisphere. We’re almost there.

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Fuck Paul Ryan. You know what? We can have gun control AND help people with mental illness. We should take sides. The side we should be on is the one with children on it.

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The gun used today in was an AR-15 - same gun was used at Sandy Hook, Vegas, Orlando and others.
Time to ban them. They were banned in the early 2000's and the number of school shooting were much lower w/ fewer deaths.
Easy Peasy - get it done, Congress.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

If you have a sad today, remember it could always be worse. You could be Melania Trump.

Next year I want to be the designated survivor.

Time for a glass of wine in the hot tub.

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