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Wednesday Morning music. Ballad of 20th Maine

Charging down the mountain with what forces we had left.
Cause we’re steadfast as Katahdin, we’re hard as winters’ rain.
Go straight to hell with your Rebel yell, we are the boys of Maine.

Fri-DAY. Everyone have a great weekend.

SundayFunday! I hope you all have a great day.

Hey everybody! Thanks to @th3j35t3r for scaling up the CoSo infrastructure on the fly!
If you build it they will come. TGIF.

Nayrb boosted

Bonjour CoSo peeps. Question: are there any news feed/accounts on here? Thx!

Just coming back after a bit of a break, I like what Jester has done with the place.
Also CoSo, meet Ruby.

My usual social media day.... open instagram, get good vibes from animal and food pics. Open CoSo, see what everyone is talking about, then open the tweeter and instantly close it and repeat the process.

Let’s have some good news for today.
For any family dealing with Huntington’s disease, this is hope. This method also may help with Parkinson’s andAlzheimer’s.

Friday Tunes. Everything Counts - Depeche Mode.
“The grabbing hands grab all they can
All for themselves after all”.

Wednesday Morning music. Ballad of 20th Maine

Charging down the mountain with what forces we had left.
Cause we’re steadfast as Katahdin, we’re hard as winters’ rain.
Go straight to hell with your Rebel yell, we are the boys of Maine.

Nayrb boosted

TIME magazine:

"WTF we don't know what this nimrod is talking about"

... in 3,2,1.

Followed by Trump rage tweets against TIME magazine early tomorrow morning.


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