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The largest Dandelion I’ve ever seen. Yes I made a wish and destroyed it.


“We love ‘Truth Social’! Right, dad/boss?”

“Shut up. When is Eloy letting me back on Twitter?”

WTF is wrong with Colorado? They love them some meth heads and pedos.

I was just told I’m not a real Democrat because I disagreed with another Democrat. People are freaking nuts.

Wait, Trump threw plates? Doesn’t the Big Mac come in paper? Must’ve been one of his fancier meals with ketchup.

Wordle 362 6/6 it almost had me!


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Wordle 359 4/6


Wordle 356 6/6


Wordle 353 4/6


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Today was a good day…again. Spotify and Tesla…too bad, so sad. 😂🤣

Another day of mass casualties of BABIES!!!

Hopefully parents will care enough for their children to vote Abbott and Cruz out.

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Nasty Liberal

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