Shout out to that one person at every author event.

You authors know who I'm talking about.

Orientation today. We're waiting to start and Fix News is on the TV in the waiting area. Wish I could reach the TV to turn it off.

at our house is Deadpool 1 1/2. My sister is supervising. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚

Today we remember the Pequot Massacre and how the state declared the Pequot tribe "no more".

Today there are thousands of Pequot tribal members and they run one of the largest casinos in the world.

Day off tomorrow. I'm hoping to get some writing done before the crazy weekend starts.

I survived taking the kid to 2 birthday parties and working on my .

Now to find something to reward myself with.

Writing pet peeves:

When you pick up book two in a series and it's the exact same plot as book 1 with different character names. πŸ˜‘

Tried to buy a car. Dealership jacked the price up by $3500, thinking we were desperate. Ain't happening. πŸ˜‘

Things they never tell you about

You will learn where the bathroom is in every place you visit.

One more week and then I'm on to a new adventure.

Found this last night now I'm wondering when I moved into candy land.

I managed outline the first four chapters in detail. I'm getting excited about this one.

Me: Time to go grocery shopping.

Nature: Raining now sounda like a good option.


How desperate are you if you're confusing Words with Friends and Tinder?

While 50 Shades was a reworking of Twilight & the influence can be seen, 365 is a direct retelling and each scene can be matched to one in 50 Shades.

Why does everything happen on the same day? There are 4 Saturdays in June and every organization I'm a part of wants my attention on the same one. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I made dinner and no one complained while eating it. 😲

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Nancy C Walker

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