I chose an interesting time to retire, New Year’s Eve. Took early retirement- lower income balanced out by way lower stress.
Then comes inflation across the globe. We’re lucky here that it isn’t as bad as elsewhere in the world. But it has presented its challenges!
My parents grew up during the Great Depression. I learned a lot from them. I have always been frugal as a result.
This year? I have upped my frugal game! So, what are your #frugaltips?
I will start. ALDI. Cheap quality groceries.
1. i rarely eat out (never during the pandemic) & almost no take out. i cook in big batches & pack my own lunches w/ leftovers.
2. i put on more clothes & use blankets before turning up the heat. i turn down the heat when i'm not home (every time).
3. i hang dry my clothes instead of using the dryer whenever possible. i do that w/ towels & then give them 10 mins in the dryer to 'soften' them.
4. i buy generic toiletry products. no fancy shampoos & shit.
5. i meal plan & buy to a list