Why? Is there an outbreak?
I read something on my friend’s timeline yesterday again. She posted a link about the number of vax deaths vs the number of measle deaths from the cdc
I don’t want to alienate her but i have to think that the number of vax deaths is obviously higher because vaccinations have been working during the years queried. Her opinion is that vaccinations are intentional and part of a scheme to reduce population.
*sighs not even sure i want to go there.
@Museek and yes Oregon is having an outbreak.
and for the first time, a 30+ yr old contracted it..
@Bemet_Or woah...
We really don’t want this happening again. People need to consider public health... seriously.... i GET that no one wants their kids to be injured or gave an allergic reaction but they’ll regret an outbreak much worse. Either way, there is risk and much more so with an outbreak.
yep. Oregon here. outbreak has everyone worried. i'm vaccinated, went to the pharmacy prepared to pay $87 to get another shot just in case, but they said as long as you've had two MMR shots you're good.
been checking in with my friends as able to encourage they get their kiddos vaccinated if they aren't already.
worried about babies & those who *can't* get vaccinated.
If you don’t know your vaccination status, remembering only one shot, then you probably ought to get vaccinated, particularly if you live in an outbreak area.
you have your own immunity now.. if you had it...
just like chicken pox...
I wonder when that's going to start coming back with a vengeance...
@Bemet_Or I never had cpox.. I got one dose of the vax before I went to china but not the second.. @Myrth @evistre @Museek @Kitty62862
@ucantstop_me @Museek @evistre @Myrth @Bemet_Or
I had chicken pox before the vax was invented 😉
Me too. Had chicken pox prior to there being a vaccine. Had it as a young adult. I didn’t get the Rubella vaccine until I was an adult, when I was pregnant.
The advent of more vaccines has been a blessing. An uncle didn’t survive childhood due to a now-preventable childhood disease.
Anti-science loons anger me. It is child abuse, to refuse to vaccinate. But because anti-vaxxers are mostly white and mid/upper class, society coddles them.
@Myrth I just tried this talk (for the umpteenth time) with my room mate. Her argument: vaccination is not immunization and babies get 79 vaccines at once then they are autistic. Just repeats that over and over. I have to walk away. @ucantstop_me @Museek @evistre @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862
@DachshundSaidSo @Kitty62862 @Bemet_Or @evistre @Museek @ucantstop_me @Myrth Whenever I bump into anti-vax people, I ask why autism is so bad? Most people on the spectrum are completely normal people and live normal lives (like with all disabilities). They have their ups and downs, but so do people with glasses. Some go blind. Some manage it fine.
But I suppose I have a very distinct point of view on it, because many with my diagnose cannot have vaccinations.The shit is real with us.
@Fiikus_goddess autism is better than death, right? anyone who thinks otherwise confuses me.
@Myrth @ucantstop_me @Museek @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862 @DachshundSaidSo
@DachshundSaidSo @Kitty62862 @Bemet_Or @Museek @ucantstop_me @Myrth @Fiikus_goddess
but for those who think they do.
is that really worse than potentially dying?)
@evistre @Fiikus_goddess @Myrth @ucantstop_me @Museek @Bemet_Or @DachshundSaidSo
I think, at one point, there was an issue with the preservative in the HIB titer.
That’s the shot they get at birth.
Autism may not show until they’re 2.
We’ll never know.
I seriously don’t care.
I still have my daughter.
The major problem is gonna be the resurgence of Shingles in about 40 years, because people sheepishly followed Bullshit memes online based on Junk science, spouted by a Junk scientist, saying vaccines cause Autism. Hell of a thing to die from, because you're afraid your child might have a disability. Get Vaccinated people, unless you're allergic, then get the alternate vaccine.
End of Discussion.
@Kitty62862 @DachshundSaidSo @Bemet_Or @Museek @ucantstop_me @Myrth @Fiikus_goddess @evistre
@Heucuva8 @evistre @Fiikus_goddess @Myrth @ucantstop_me @Museek @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862 What gets me is my roomie is a chiropractor so I assumed she'd know better. But no. She feels she has a duty to warn her clients abt dangers of vaccination. And they listen bc she has the word "doctor" in her title.
Agreed. But chiropractors are not MDs. They certainly don’t have MD specializations such as psychiatry. Yet they seem to want to claim to treat everyone for everything. One in our area “treats” PTSD, amongst other things, including “silent killer” diseases, iirc what he said. 😹
@Kitty62862 @Bemet_Or @ucantstop_me @Fiikus_goddess @evistre @Heucuva8 @DachshundSaidSo
@DachshundSaidSo @Kitty62862 @Bemet_Or @ucantstop_me @Fiikus_goddess @evistre @Heucuva8 @Myrth
I have never been to one. I always thought they were kind of sketchy. Haha. I think my skepticism with chiros began with a PI lawyer i worked with for when i was 18
I was always skeptical of chiros. When I was a teen one in town advertised he could cure syphilis, amongst other things. Dad pointed out the ads and laughed.
Then my ex’s neck got messed up by one.
But when I started doing PI work I became super cynical about the profession. One chiro tried to get me into an illegal referral deal!
But some can help with minor musculoskeletal injuries.
@Heucuva8 @evistre @Fiikus_goddess @ucantstop_me @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862 @DachshundSaidSo
@Myrth @Heucuva8 @evistre @Fiikus_goddess @ucantstop_me @Bemet_Or @Kitty62862 @Museek
And some people are helped by chiro. I just have not been one of them.