I had my annual eye appt today. I have some changes that will need correcting. Cateracts are visible. One is "surgery-ready" the other not quite.
This getting old shit is not fun.
@MrsE0113 My doctor told me in the not too distant future, cataracts will be fixed with eye drops. It will be not soon enough for me!
@MrsE0113 I had cataracts removed from both eyes 👀 last month. Nothing to it. Fentanyl works wonders. 🙃🤗
@Warpspeed3 unfortunately I can not take Fentanyl.. so I'm sure the dr will have other options for me.
I hear that. (At least when my electronic ear bobs are in.)
@MrsE0113 No kiddin'. I have not been enjoying some of the changes.