A fundraiser for @MrGoat who is desperately trying to find a new home.
On my page you will find this attached song.
Until further notice 100% of profits from Only Love will go toward his funds.
I will receive payments into my paypal and transfer them directly into his the moment I get them.

This way, you get something tangible in return for your generosity.

Please go buy your copy today!


@stueytheround @MrGoat
Boosting to help get this seen and remind myself to purchase tomorrow after some sleep (i'm coming down with something; runny nose and it feels like my throat has been rubbed with sandpaper 🤒).

@MrGoat Nope, worse. 😂 But kept my word. Wish the Canadian exchange rate was as good as the American & British ones. Sorry guys. ❤️ @stueytheround

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