Anyone have experience using #Calibre with #Kindle to remove DRM? Just a thought 💭 considering one of the links someone shared earlier—cannot remember who shared it. But it was a video talking about ebooks and kindle and how they can change or remove content at will even after you have purchased it. #books #ebooks
@AskTheDevil shockingly, I just learned of all this today from that link another Cosonaut shared. I’ve downloaded calibre. When you send it back to your ereader do the books still look/function the same in your library? Also, if I opted for a kobo device, would I be able to load the ebooks I already have easily onto another device?
@AskTheDevil thank you. 🙏🏻
@MotherDucker It's been about 2 years since I've used it. When I used it, I saw no difference in the books.