Good morning. Trying to escape the news cycle but it’s one of those train wreck mornings you can’t look away from.

Florida abortion bans, university war protests. Chaos agents trying to radicalize young people.

What are we doing here? What is the goal?

Gotta object to the notion that calling out war crimes and advocating for human rights = cats responding to a laser pointer.
Maybe Biden should attach some conditions to the military aid for Israel to herd the cats (and be in the right side of history)

@BrentSullivan calling out war crimes should not involve vilifying, intimidating, or harassing university students who identify as one religion/ethnicity or the other. Protesting war is one thing. Protesting a People—no matter which People—is another.

You realize those actions are magnified by social media algorithms, right?
They are not what the movement is about
They are a minority and are denounced by the majority

@BrentSullivan I would argue that social media algorithms are indeed a method of radicalization.

It may not be what the movement is about but it is what brings and inspired the chaos agents to do their thing. I don’t disbelieve that these protests started out with the intention of limiting less needless killing—because the IDF tactics have shown to be unexpectedly careless, given their vast technology and training (see: world central kitchen.)


@BrentSullivan That being said what started out as speaking truth to power and protesting a war has dangerously devolved into something else entirely and that needs to be acknowledged.

I hear you
I don't think that's what is happening
It's ok to disagree

@BrentSullivan I appreciate the civil discourse. I appreciate that we can have differences of opinion and not, ourselves, devolve into something uncomfortable for our friends here on . 🕊️

@MotherDucker @BrentSullivan I would add that while I also don’t agree, it doesn’t diminish your original point. The new cycle is hell and wear you down. Hope you can find a little peace of mind today!

@Gambit_1 @BrentSullivan thank you, and not to diminish any particular crisis in any way, the uneven amount of coverage is another thorn in my paw.

The more one thing is covered the more outrage and action (good or bad) it garners.

I think the media has become bored of covering the removal of women’s bodily autonomy and right to healthcare in the US. It’s not as sexy as war. And it’s an age old story of fucking oppression and patriarchy. 😮‍💨

@MotherDucker @BrentSullivan the ongoing attack on the body autonomy of the majority of our population is the scariest thing that has happened in my lifetime. It terrifies me to leave my daughters in a world like this.

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