Good morning, #cosonauts. Who else is waking up for a weekend work day? (And if you're not, why are you even awake right now?!) #riseandshine #healthcareworkers
Terribly sorry to be awake 😭
Heading to bed, right now!
(Hopefully, being in Australia, where it's nearly 9PM makes this ok???)
@arose62 😂 perhaps I should have added #easternstandardtime 5:45am here. But yes, do get yourself to bed! Sleep a few hours for me. My five year old wasn't feeling quite right last night and crawled into my bed. She's a flailer. I took many hands to the face.
So, that hasn't worked so well for me…
Explosions, and (it seems, from my balcony) a house burning down the next street over 😱
@arose62 Yikes!! What's happening? Are you okay/safe?