I love when Trump acts like an asshole and someone that once backed him says that now, he has stepped over the line. What part of him attacking the disabled, POW's, gold star parents, native americans, African Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, women, journalists, the CIA, The FBI, the 1st amendment, the rule of law, etc...wasn't already over the line? Fuck everyone that ever voted for, or supported, this pile of shit President.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American brothers and sisters!

Hope everyone is speaking up about . We stand to lose so much if it gets scrapped. Like the Internet! It will be unrecognizable if Trump hands it over to the telecom companies. He wants to let them decide which sites you can go to by throttling access speeds, amongst other things. So, your favourite sites could disappear.

I'm singing Ice Cube for the rest of the day! Cause finally getting on Counter means: "today was a good day."

Big thank you to @th3j35t3r for this new, secure platform. You're the man!


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