I gotta think all the Dems NOT wanting Biden to make way for someone else are clearly remembering LBJ. I get it. LBJ had strong reason to believe he wouldn’t survive another 4 years (and was correct), and didn’t want to go out like that. The net effect of course was Nixon. Oof.
On the other hand, where’s the humanity for Biden? Let the old guy go eat ice cream and drive his Corvette at 10 MPH.
This sort of decision should have been made well before now, but it’s still a good stretch until November.
@Wbtphdjd this wasn’t where I’d heard it, but I think the private source is the same. That is to say, I don’t rest TexasMonthly or know anything about them, but I believe this story/narrative is effectively the same as what I’d read whatever the hell I was.