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- Exclusive: Facebook sources say Mark Zuckerberg has decided to testify before Congress in wake of the data privacy scandal

In this video we see several Patriot missiles launched by a Saudi Arabian unit to intercept Houthi ballistic missiles. One of the Patriots fails and slams into the ground where it explodes.

Another missile targeted against the same attack failed just seconds after launch and exploded in mid-air.

Bad day for Saudi missile defenses.

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Stuff my brain forgets:
The thing I was looking for when I walked in the room just five damn seconds ago.

Stuff my brain remembers:
The "If I could be like Mike" jingle from the Michael Jordan commercial from like 30 years ago.

Thanks brain. I couldn't get through life without you

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- A suspect in a wave of bombing attacks in Austin killed himself inside his car with an explosive device early Wednesday as authorities closed in, police say

Happy Monday CoSo! It's everyone's favorite day of the week. I hope everyone has a happy and productive work-week.

- Supervisor Goat

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- Syria regime strips desperately needed medical supplies from 46-truck aid convoy to Eastern Ghouta, UN spokesperson says

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