I’ve been on a plane recently, I case you were wondering 👍🏻

I had an hour spare yesterday so wanted to practice some photoshop, I’ve not shot stills or edited photographs professionally in about 2years as I’ve been concentrating on my video business.
But I’m glad to see (rusty I might be) that I can still pop out an edit or two.

Before & after 👍🏻

I’m sorry CoSo I have neglected you, I will try harder from now on!

Ok so just doing the assemble edit for scene two & my audio for actor 1 is missing... I’ve got 10 tracks of silence! ! !

I’m hoping the track for Actor 2 has enough of Actor 1’s recorded that’s useable!!

But this is a nightmare ... I’m going to cry for a minute

Morning you lovely lot,

Had a busy day yesterday & more of the sane today 😐
Here’s a sneaky peak at what I’m working on.

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Lots to do today, hope your Monday’s don’t suck!!

Good night CoSo

You’re my favourite 👍🏻

Football done.. we lost, but if it’s possible to loose well. We did that!
I say “we” cos it’s vital I sat on my sofa rubbing my ring for luck!

Mike OJ boosted

I’m very sorry CoSo I’m leaving you for a bit (about 2 & a bit hrs)

You see I really like football & the team West Ham United. it’s a very important game this afternoon & I’m afraid this lovely place isn’t really going to be enhanced by me tooting “FFS” for 90 minutes

So I’ll be back later - seeya! 👋🏻

(Oh & ive made a start on my editing for those who care)

Good news everyone. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁

Toilets fixed!!!


Just had an urge to fix my bathroom light too...

My procrastination game is STRONG!!

Task: Assembly edit of two scenes

So far I’ve watched Sunday Brunch (mainly cos I love Paloma Faith)


I’m replacing a part in my toilet that’s made the flushing sound like a foghorn for 2years! TWO. YEARS!

@Mike_oj I case you’re wondering, (you’re not) I’m the dude bottom right!

Yes that’s right the best looking one!

Full disclosure this is nicked off of @babsbat off her Bird Feed

“Every time you get dressed remember if you die, that’s your ghost outfit forever.”

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Mike OJ

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