I check in daily but I’m not very active. I need to post more. Memorial Day has always been somber for me. Don’t forget what the holiday is about. Im not saying don’t enjoy yourself, I’m just saying to reflect. 🇺🇸

Whew I’m worn out. Yesterday, I had a 14 hour work day. I used to be able to do that no problem.

Just keep posting and eventually everyone will find each other. Follow me and I’ll follow you.

Back and ready to help this site grow. Follow me and I’ll follow you.

PSA - We will be going down shortly for more capacity upgrades. Thank you for your patience.

I’m almost to 100 followers ! Just think if we all could do that every day. This site would take off.

The more people you follow, the better the experience. Invite your friends and followers from twitter to join in.

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