
COLLUSION: A Republican consultant and former senior aide to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell was just convicted of funneling Russian money to Trump’s 2016 campaign. Watch for the full story:


And why the sanitized bullsh*t that False Idol's theft of classified documents was ego and not intent to make money!!

@MeidasTouch John McCain said that Rand Paul was a Russian asset.
Rand Paul flew to Moscow to hand deliver a letter from Trump to Putin.
Ex-Rand Paul aide convicted of illegally funneling Russian cash to Trump campaign.

@MeidasTouch And not a damn thing will happen to anyone else...

@MeidasTouch well, of course, but we’ve known there was Russian money funneled into his and many2016 GOP campaigns. It went through the NRA. Yet, nothing was done then except for sending a Russian spy to jail.


Shows me some Republicans are as corrupted as Trump is.

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