Mitch McConnell now says it’s possible Republicans will pass a nationwide BAN on abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Republicans are radical extremists. They must be stopped.
@MeidasTouch - Can you help spread the word about this peititon? - thank you!
@MeidasTouch we must take to the streets and fight this!
@MeidasTouch Another reason we HAVE to keep both houses of congress, & hopefully gain in the senate.
@MeidasTouch I will not longer use Republican instead grand ole party is what I feel is a better fit for these times
@Hopeful @MeidasTouch
Over the previous few years...
I prefer GQP
@MeidasTouch The repubes will end the filibuster in a second and pass the ban.The Dems have had 50 years, with our country in peril they can’t seem to carve out or just end the fillibuster, or expand the court.Unfortunately for us Dems don’t seem to understand the stakes.With the ban abortion we are no longer a democracy.And I don’t need to hear “we are a republic”.