Given the unseasonable 87 degree day, I think the 5-6 mile run I had in mind is going to be scaled back to 3 miles. My body is not acclimated to running in a pollen sauna yet this year.

The first three weeks of my couch to barbell training plan begins with body weight exercises using a broom handle to acclimate to the movements. Easy peasy except for pushups (out of shape) and barbell squats, which were an incredibly awkward movement for me. I can squat no prob without the bar but with it feels biomechanically all wrong.

I knew it was a risky move going from a 3 Floyds Brewing Barbarian Haze to an Ono Brewing Company Howzit and, sadly, it had that dirty pond water taste of an amateur craft beer. But cheers anyway!

It’s not much, but I managed to have a 100 Mile March. 💪🏻🏃‍♀️🐢

I thought I would regret drinking two pints yesterday but what I actually regret was dousing my barbecue with mystery hot sauce.

Arlington County is doing its annual water system flush to clean the pipes so now all my clothes smell like I washed them in a YMCA swimming pool.

❄️ CONVERSATIONAL SNOW!!! ❄️ Look at those big beautiful flakes!

It’s a cold, gray day and the sky is spitting occasional flurries. PERFECT running weather!

Anyone else have a significant other who has been lost to F1 Drive to Survive? We need to form a support group.

Late morning lavender latte from Misha’s Coffee in Old Town. I’ll be zooming this afternoon!

My husband sent me a video of our niece and nephew playing a game they call “Karens” in which he pretends to be a McDonald’s cashier and she yells at him for getting her order wrong. I lost it when she hollered I ASKED FOR EXTRA PICKLES! then demands to speak to the manager. 🤣

Anyone know of any geriatric pitbulls in need of a home? I have an opening. I’m talking like blind, toothless, lumpy, hobbling old dogs. I have three boxes of male dog diapers and no incontinent dog to use them on anymore.

I am not enjoying perimenopause this morning.

We had to send our little grandpa over the rainbow bridge tonight. He had just joined our family in September and he was very old, but this was still unexpected and sudden. We had just taken him to the vet this morning and he was fine, so we thought he was having a bad reaction to his shots when he seemed uncomfortable, nauseous and weak. Turns out it was a ruptured hemangiosarcoma filling his abdomen with blood. I’m so sad and I don’t know what to do with myself.

I took my geriatric son to the vet this morning and he made a scene by pooping in the waiting area. 🙄

We finally tried the Laotian restaurant Padaek tonight! This dish is moak—tofu, wood ear mushrooms in lemongrass curry sauce steamed in banana leaves with fresh dill and a cute little container of sticky rice. So good!

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