
Wandered around a used book store for quite a while—a quirky, interesting place that is passionate about rehoming books.

Saw this and it landed heavily.


Almost 630pm. Still +100 degrees. The dog has wilted even inside with ac on.

I can't say I'm proud of it but having way too much fun listening to Kelsey McKinney's (Defector) Normal Gossip

"juicy, strange, funny, and
utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never know and never meet"; "evokes the thrill of sitting next to chatty, high-drama strangers at a café"


🎶 With love with patience and with faith, she'll make her way🎶

Natalie Merchant - Wonder


Great show at the Hollywood Bowl last week - Sheryl Crow and Keb Mo. Our first concert since 2019.

🎶 I get a little bit closer to feeling fine🎶

Not my video (mine's worse/I'm bad at that)


It looks like a long protracted war.
Please do not lose focus. I really believe that this war is the Russians to lose. But when this is over, the real hard work of rebuilding Ukraine begins.

The world is going to need something like a new "Marshall Plan", and we must support it.

Interesting read on Vox:
"Companies stepping up to say that they will support their workers in accessing abortions after the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Roe v. Wade raises questions both logistical and existential."


Shared by a friend: "I've been unfollowed by someone who says they follow me for 'positivity, not politics'. But to positively care about the world you need to engage with it and protect it. Positivity isn't sitting and smiling in a yoga pose with a scented candle while the world burns. Positivity is taking a stand for things you love and care for."

Women drastically underestimate the financial power they hold in this country. Not all women but large percentages. Via

I'm going to go dark for a while after this statement... today is harrowing in many ways.

There need to be no lifetime appointments at any level of government, it breeds corruption. We need term limits for all federally elected positions, because the current system not only breeds corruption, but rewards it.

Clarence Thomas writes, in a concurring opinion, that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell — the rulings that now protect contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage.

Funfact - Ben & Jerry's ice cream created "If I Had 1,000,000 Flavours" in honor of this song in 2009, making Barenaked Ladies the first Canadian band to get their own flavor.


I've been very lucky to go to a lot of amazing live events (sports/music/live event). One that stays with me always is the Oingo Boingo Farewell show 1995.

We close our eyes and dream and the world has turned around again...


ICYMI while Fox "news" was busy boasting about not covering the hearings, the Fox Business channel was showing them instead.

Sometimes I love my state...🐝
California bees can legally be fish and have the same protections, a court has ruled

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