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Good morning ☕️☀️☕️☀️☕️☀️

Ashcroft Ghost Town near Aspen, Colorado

One of my favorites 👍

On this day in 1992, Beastie Boys released Check Your Head, a major departure from the group's previous albums, incorporating funk, punk rock, and jazz and featuring them playing their own instruments.

In Trading Places, Louis Winthorpe’s (Dan Aykroyd) prison number is the same as Jake Blues’ (John Belushi) prison number in The Blues Brothers as a tribute to Belushi, who had died the year before.

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@MaverickCtzn . His lawyers probably had to tranquilize him to keep his mouth shut.

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Jservo boosted
Jservo boosted

@MaverickCtzn Looks like a product of HR Giger's worst nightmares.

Hey, if you happen to be in NYC…
Here’s the weather forecast 😎

Donald’s stock keeps falling down
Falling down, falling down
Donald’s stock keeps falling down
My, that’s shady

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