@0x56 @Museek

BINGO. 50 virtualized Android phones running on a laptop in your car on a tethered 4G connection.

Never get stuck in traffic again, google nav will divert everyone else away from you.

Performance artist generates virtual traffic jams in Google Maps by pulling a wagon full of smartphones.


Lev Parnas wants to be called as a witness, he want's to speak under oath.

Under oath. Under fear of perjury.

Any senator voting to block his testimony is complicit.

If they want a fair trial, they need to allow him and others as witnesses.

Anything less is BULLSHIT.

Watching Parnas while remembering how Trumps gonna be all about 'draining the swamp' - LMFAO

Parnas 'receipts', whatsapp comms and more will remain on COSOSHARE no matter what, even if they vanish from other services, 3 links >>




Heads up to on lesser social networks. If you get some eager new accounts poking around - use discretion. You could be being used as a cutout to spread BS and later damage anti-trump folks credibility. Use yer head. Just because someone agrees w/u doesn't mean trust them.

@MattSaberhagen @Dobo Wonderful you got to see them! Children are the best spreaders of germs at the perfect time aren't they? I catch something everytime one of our Grands does; ugh; we have 8 Grandkids; it's like playing Russian Roulette with germs around them; who will infect us first!

@AkomoCombine Escalating further is not an acceptable choice. This has to stop. @Museek

WH spokesman Judd Deere just said at the WH: β€œThe president is NOT addressing the nation tonight.”

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