What do you call a cheap circumcision ?
A : a rip off.

Martha boosted

@Marthur5 @wsc3
I honestly didn't expect anything more than what I got. He feels it's totally alright to fondle whomever he wants, so of course he's not going to address the effect it has on young men. They should already know that women are for their pleasure. 🙄

Martha boosted

To my American friends:
I'm so sorry you have to put up with that amphetamined sweaty crack pot that just trashed every friend your country ever had.😔

I'll be down in the morning for the geese.

The last reporter to ask a question....didn't get his question answered. The question was to be..
What example does it set for young men,when they think that this kind of sexual behaviour toward women ,is thought to be acceptable by powerful men !
But Trump stopped him and went on a rant defending misogynistic men ! He has lost touch with reality.
A buffoon on the world stage...and a buffoon also on a personal level.

Boy to Santa : Can you send me a sister,please?
Santa to Boy : OK...Send me your mother .

Martha boosted


This is good here and I have seen general chit chat of all sorts,which I love.
Is it considered acceptable here to express views on Trump ...Brexit...some politics.etc ?
Or is it mainly non political ?


Just testing that the DM is working and private.

@ RandomWhiteGuy

I have signed up here...but very strange. I will browse and see how it goes.


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