Monday will be mainly sunny except for 2.5 hours in the afternoon for some reason. 🤷‍♀️

I just hope Kate isn't in Paris driving around in a limo.

Anyone else having trouble loading the desktop version of CoSo? Been happening for a few days.

Found this gem! Got it made at one of those mall t-shirt shops. WORE IT WITH PRIDE!

I love the freshly fallen snow. Covers the dog poop in the backyard beautifully.

Just googled "did Cup-a-Soup discontinue Cream of Chicken" if you want to know how things are going over here.

I may seem cool on the outside* but know that one sock has totally bunched up to my toes in these boots.

*Aware that I rarely look cool on the outside.

Shout out to the chair-makers who make it so we don't have to sit on the floor all the time.

"It's the kind of night that's so cold, when you spit, it freezes before it hits the ground"

Never really been comfortable with the idea that doctors call it a "practice".

Elvis Costello is the funniest Elvis, but only the second funniest Costello.

My phone autocorrected "door" to "doot".

I fear the AI rebellion is upon us.

It takes just one Carpenters song to come up during my shuffled playlist to remind me that cool bypassed me 30 years ago.

Update: Last night I put on "In the Air Tonight" at 11:56:40 as instructed and at exactly midnight, Phil Collins appeared in my living room and I guess he lives with us now.

My 93-yr-old dad just called from his retirement home's NYE party to tell me it looks like he's in the middle of a New Yorker cartoon and I can't stop laughing.

Some of my NY resolutions include:
- smashing into people on the sidewalk who don't yield space
- not smile when instructed to by strangers
- eat more fibre

Nephews birthday party tonight and his girlfriend got him a new hoodie 🐿️😂

2024: The year I start kicking ass and taking names*

*prob won't be taking names, what am I, your secretary?!

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Martha O'Neill

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.