I'm not sure that punching down on a person who is clearly going through a lot of "things" is a good look. Yes, there is a lot of internalized negativity coming from that person and that doesn't sit right with you. So, use the tools. If someone else's burdens annoy you, mute them. Let's not be bad humans, eh? For some folks, this is the only place they have where they can let it out without fear of being mocked. Cheers.
@Idissent @MPCavalier exactly my point. I was a bit aghast. Then there is this stranger trying to make me out to be doing something wrong. This is the first time Cavalier has ever said Boo to me after sharing experiences of my own.
@Pennyformythoughts @MPCavalier
You didn't do anything wrong
@Idissent @Pennyformythoughts
Well, I am not qualified to answer that. I think not responding is a totally normal thing after getting shot down repeatedly. Sometimes you just gotta walk away and hope they figure out their shit. I don't think it''s cool, and is in fact hurtful, to call out a person's emotional foibles in the public forum in a mocking tone. We all have our mental health issues to work through. I know i wouldn't want someone doing that to me. Is that wrong?
@MPCavalier @Pennyformythoughts
I don't feel that is what she did but we all interpret things differently
@MPCavalier but you turned around and pointed mine out to which I always invite and do not hate you at all for it. I hate nobody for words
@MPCavalier you pointed what you felt were my shortcomings annd doing essentially the same. I got blocked by her so I couldn’t even say it anywhere else could I. 🤣
@MPCavalier I really dislike people who can’t confront. Even if it starts out with confusion and based on misinformation.. not talking about things is conservative.
@MPCavalier @Pennyformythoughts
While I agree with you for the most part, when I saw the post in question last night I didn't respond because I have tried to be there for her (?) on several occasions and have been shot down every time. You can't just constantly complain and not take any suggestions for help without upsetting a lot of people. Yes, this is a "me" problem but why are you going to constantly bring it up if you don't want help?