
That one guy (house I pass every day) finally took down his flag! Replaced it with a POW/MIA flag.

He probably took his Chinese-made flag to a Chinese-owned dry cleaners so he could have his Mexican landscaper re-raise it up his flagpole made of Chinese-steel.


My son has same mentality living next door to him. Blue line flag and all. These people are dangerous. Period.


I've noticed that in my neighborhood. One was humongous and now it's gone.

Honestly I don't think most of the cult is seeing the light. But every time one of them removes a marker from their property I have to think that it's partially out of embarrassment - and maybe that's the first step to deprogramming.


I agree. I've heard a few saying they would not vote for TFG again but I'm leery. As you say, maybe the questioning their decision is a first step. 🤞

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