I must not debate the far-right-wingers.
Debating the far-right-wingers is the mind-killer.
Debating the far-right-wingers is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my urge to debate the far-right-wingers.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the urge to debate the far-right-wingers has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain. 👌
I'm just imagining now how you'd festoon your own golf cart, if you had one and decided to take it for a spin. :) I think it would make people smile.
@MLClark Your tastes might run more along this ... S7 of VOY after they've run out of shuttlecraft ...
Ah, too many fun designs to choose from! 🙂
I'm guessing there'd be a secret reference to +U on either of them, but either way, *such* an improvement over what you're seeing.
The one positive about VOY's shuttlecraft nonsense is that it's made me very careful about my own ship design for the current novel. Crew complement and ship capacity + resources are all KNOWN QUANTITIES, and resource management is key to the plot. So I thank the VOY team for reminding me to do better. ;)
@MLClark Well, VOY is a low bar to hurdle. 😉
The +U golf cart is a good idea. Maybe they have golf hovercraft in the Tomorrowland retirement community.
This license plate is about as geek as I get on my car. It was my way of saying, "I made it here." I'm AT KSC.
@MLClark Something like this?!
Golf carts seem to be a thing in Florida. Many, but not a lot of, people have them for driving around their neighborhoods. Some take them out on the thoroughfares, where they have no problem blocking traffic, but that's Florida ...