Only a few people will understand the context for this, but honestly... after all the gruesome videos I've been watching to stay ahead of misinformation these past few weeks... *any time* I hear a catchy children's song, I'm always brought back to this one.
(CW: Don't listen if you're susceptible to earworms! It is *definitely* something you could have stuck in your head for hours.)
For everyone else...
As disruptive as the party is, I didn't realize how much I just needed to see kids happily enjoying their childhoods right now.
Of course, not far from these kids there's a little girl with her father begging on the highway, but... it's important to remember the standard we're striving for: a society where *everyone* is safe like this, and can know joy in community.
Still a long, long way to go, mi gente. 💛