Happy #backtothefuture Day!
The musical is such a great time!
With an AR wall and stage magic the DeLorean doesn’t need…roads! ⚡ ⏰
Love the #Fall weather.
Wish I had my #halloween decor up.
I do have my Jack Skellington lights up in my classroom. #iamthepumpkinking #nightmarebeforexmas
Trying to maximize a Monday!
Shop—not impulse buy
Clean-not distracted by finding things
Organize—find things but not get distracted by other found things.
Plan—for at least slightly ahead.
Deep breath and get moving!
I do love #Fall but seem to fall behind quickly.
#shopping #homeorganizing #uncovermissingthings #getmoving
Monday, Monday
#monday #music
I know I need to read the guide to Coso again. But trying to change my avatar and I’m doing something wrong. No big deal. Have to go to real world things for now. Happy #Sunday
Looking forward to seeing #indianajones today. Have a lot of #harrisonford tv to catch up on. Who knew we’d finally get one more #indy and he’d do some television!
Hello. I’m up early with great plans to catch up on errands. Hopefully will come up with an intro and better understanding of how to nav CoSo this week. Meanwhile, here’s one of my cats. #cats #cooleditfeature
Not in Kansas anymore. First day on here. It’s about damn time to try it out. #hello