@SpN2000 Anyone but a bat shit crazy Republican who is qualified and sane. We have several Democratic Governors and Even a VP and Cabinet members that would make excellent choices after Biden's second term. I see the Democratic part moving in the same direction they have for decades - more progressive they at least still listen to their constituents.
It is kind of strange, looking at US politics from over here.. the things deemed “progressive” in the USA.. is literally just daily business in Europe. no matter how you lean politically.
But from here.. it looks strange having two 80-year-olds fighting for the presidency. You would’ve thought there were younger more up-to-date people you could vote on?
It’s very strange..330 million people.. and these two are the best?
@Lucky188 Someone needs to find the author of this, and make a commercial.
@Superstitionsee This was circulated before the 2020 election - no clue source.
It would make a good advert though
@Lucky188 who comes after Biden? Which way is the Democratic Party moving?
Seems like the Republicans are supporting old European facist ideas no-one really believes in anymore (at least not over here..)
(This is a European asking)