
Surgeons office just called to remind me that I have surgery in the morning...Do people really forget to go to surgery? :facepalm:

@LowEndMuse I know that some definitely forget not to eat / be NPO

@finkled @LowEndMuse

When I was waiting in pre-op for cataract surgery I overheard the nurse checking in the guy next to me. She asked if he'd had anything to eat. "No not really." What does not really mean? Well he'd only had a light breakfast, then rattled off several things.

Oh goody you get to come back another day! 🙄

@LowEndMuse Oh wow, that’s tomorrow? I’ll keep you in my thoughts!


People forget their kids in hot cars, so, yeah. They forget surgery, too. 😬

@LowEndMuse wishing you a speedy trip and quick recovery 💚

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