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It doesn't all have to be learned by tomorrow. It's supposed to be enjoyable.

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For the new folks: If you're interested in looking at photography of a 'Naut, you can click on their profile and in the bar just above the posts and on the right, click on Media. This will bring up what shots have been taken by that person.

@CinnamonGirlE Mind if I DM you? I have a question about your needlework.

Lindy boosted

^^^ SIDENOTE - I'd like to know how other ALL the other social platforms - who literally use the same contextual burger menu dropdowns for reporting and moderation features - are still up on the app store just fine.

Good morning. I have two young crape myrtle that we planted a little over a year ago. I hope one is white (I can't remember). I like nearly all colors.

And that's not all. We had a community center, a kindergarten, a pool and tennis courts. There used to be Federal, State and Local money available, collected from Fed, State and Local taxes to help with the costs and to provide services to the community. A lot of that money still flows, but gets diverted in all sorts of creative ways. Just like politics, all GRAFT is local and spreads. 2/Sigh. End Rant

I'm thinking about reading
White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy. It's by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. Has anybody read it? Just looking at the title, I think they MIGHT have missed something. I'm rural and I remember a time when most communities and, if not, all counties in our state had robust public health services and a hospital. They're gone now, having been gobbled up by insurance companies in some cases and in most, "entrepreneurs" who see a honeypot. 1/

Time Person of the Week interview with Jack Antonoff. The title of the piece is misleading. Says it's on collaborating with Taylor Swift. I thought it was about much more than that. I enjoyed listening to Antonoff.

Lindy boosted

I know it’s not but my daughter shared this with me and I have to share.

Let me try this again. Good night, All.

@dw98439 Time for sleep. Good night, you all. Be good to each other.

I have a question. I knew that ATT was breached. According to CoSoGuard (where I heard it first) and ATT, my data was in what was breached. I haven't had an ATT account for over ten years. How'd that happen?

Dr. May is one of the best guitarists in the world. He's also an astrophysicist. I think the latter might contribute to his kindness and humility.

I,m scheduled for a fasting ultra sound. I could take my morning pill with a small sip of water but nothing else. I made coffee as usual and damned if I didn't take a sip before I remembered. I hope this trip is not a waste. It was just a small sip, doc. honest!😥 😁

My husband has been fighting the never-ending Kudzu wars since we've been here (he's at least keeping it at bay). About a year ago, he was getting ready to clear a spot with the tractor but noticed a bunch of trilliums (sweet betsy) so he dug them up and planted in a 5 gallon pot. He watered them for about a week and then forgot about them. There were a few when he planted them. This is what they looked like on 4/7.

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