I took the day off to attend a medical appointment — and work STILL texted me about a problem.
We’re going to have a little talk tomorrow.
@Minholkin I once had an employer try to get me to come in to work the day after being in the hospital for a heart event. I was told that I needed to recuperate for at least a week before doing anything more strenuous than going to the bathroom, or I could have a heart attack.
My spouse took that call.
They were not vague or polite in their response.
The note from the doctor was pretty harshly worded, too.
@CinnamonGirlE @AskTheDevil @Minholkin
Worked for a small company, one of the dept leads had heart issue forget what, but in hospital. They brought down his work and an electric typewriter - before real internet.
@LindaWisner @CinnamonGirlE @AskTheDevil @Minholkin