@Boyceaz Not *that* Chomsky! But yeah, that's definitely the kind of music I listened to in the Aughts.
@LiberalLibrarian It’s all true, but “Manufacturing Consent” helped me understand a lot of things that have only proved truer with time
@Satchelpooch When I read his Cambodian genocide truthing, I noped out.
@LiberalLibrarian Ugh, I missed that. Probably for the best 😭
@Satchelpooch And, of course, he's also dismissive of the "Holocaust industry".
@LiberalLibrarian Fark. Clearly I haven’t been keeping up. Thank you for clueing me in
@LiberalLibrarian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L68Fmnhd-w #cosomusic