I love how in "Buck Rogers", they named the half-bird, half-man character "Hawk". I mean, how long did it take the writers to decide that?
@sentientdessert Oh, good point. I never watched the serials, only the 1970s show, so not sure.
@sentientdessert A cursory investigation shows that Hawk wasn't a character in the serials.
@LiberalLibrarian Yeah, not seeing mention of him. Interesting how things grow and change...
They really missed an opportunity by not naming him Captain Flappy or Featherman ;)
@ceorl @LiberalLibrarian Shawn Birdmen
Talk to Stan Lee. Most boring super hero names.
Guy with super powers? Superman
Guy who dresses up at a bat? Batman
Fast guy? Flash
Guy who can be as small as an ant? Antman
@LiberalLibrarian Depends on if he was a character from the serials in the 1930's. They were not too concerned with sounding erudite for those shorts, they wanted easy to remember character names.