I really love being a librarian. I mean, I really fucking love it. Even on the bad days—which are few—it's better than any other job/career I've had.
@lacuda Grad school! It's a profession, at least in the US/Canada. I think in Europe you can get a job with an undergrad degree.
@LiberalLibrarian I strongly believe that librarians are some of the most under-recognized/under-appreciated people on the planet. The just sheer volume of what y’all crazy asses know. It’s amazing.
@_Hunter For me, the key to my librarianship is to be ever curious. No, I don't know everything. But I'm willing to find out.
@northernbassist @LiberalLibrarian @_Hunter Amen! I loved my job ! High fives to you. 🙂
@LiberalLibrarian we stan librarians in this house , thanks for everything
@LiberalLibrarian And we love librarians! 📚
Being a librarian is my son's career goal. We'll celebrate the day that becomes reality. 🎉
@Toni_Walker A worthy career!
@LiberalLibrarian It would be awesome to be a librarian! I would absolutely love to be around all those books!
@wisewoman But the library is so much more than books now. We provide internet access/wifi. We are your video store. We're your record store. We offer programming. We facilitate early childhood literacy.
@LiberalLibrarian cool!
@LiberalLibrarian I had no idea how much university and experience was required to become a librarian until my girlfriend went for the field. It's insane lol