@LianaBrooks Are you also hypermobile by chance?
@SmirkingRaven Yup! Very, very hypermobile.
@SmirkingRaven I used to be super active, but I ruined my knee about ten years ago, and then had severe seasonal depression in Alaska, so every time I get back to working out it's a disappointment and hard.
I'm trying to bribe myself to keep at it for the next few months to avoid going back to physical therapy. Do you have any (very gentle) workout recommendations?
@SmirkingRaven Circuses are one of the few places where being super bendy is a good quality on the job application.
@LianaBrooks Dr. Jen Crane, @cirque_physio on IG has many wonderful and obtainable area specific active flex drills and most of them are especially for hypermobile people because the circus community seems to be filled with us for some reason.