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@Heucuva8 @Mrs_Bones
We the People March - September 21, 2019
Please look for a satelite March near you. This is the biggest even atm. I'll post more links/help about Indi also how to join @ACLU.

My kid, writing his next song right after his Berklee audition today. I'm awed by the beauty of it all and feeling blessed.

Well my account on Twitter got hacked and it was likely an inside job. I had a 12 strong generated password there's no way someone took the time to crack it and so it's been a month that I cannot access @Lexsion if you are a follower there please report it. Jester if you're here do not engage if you receive a DM it's not me!

Well my account on Twitter got hacked and it was likely an inside job. I had a 12 strong generated password there's no way someone took the time to crack it and so it's been a month that I cannot access @Lexsion if you are a follower there please report it. Jester if you're here do not engage if you receive a DM it's not me!

Shot: Occasionally checking into Twitter just to see how far the flames have spread.

Chaser: Returning to CoSo for a breath of fresh air.

Also am I the only one who finds it funny that Elon Musk did all this to burn down Twitter just for Donald Trump and Donald Trump is like no thanks I'm good lol now what Elon now what?


PSA to the newer folks:

CoSo is created and maintained by ONE PERSON

and the financial gap for operating costs comes from HIS wallet. 👀

That's why you are seeing posts about financial support.

HEAPS of dollars to keep this place running through this growth phase.

I love how everyone on Twitter is discussing what the ulterior motives are for Tusk tanking Twitter. He and all others like him are galactically stupid. They have the emotional IQ of a 15 year old. Billionaires are lucky, not smart. There doesn’t have to be some secret 12th dimensional chess strategy. He’s a child with access to billions of dollars. Solved it!

CoSo is about to turn five! It went public on Nov 17, 2017, I am told. To celebrate, could you make a one-time donation of $5, or $11, or $17? If uncomfortable, feel free to filter / mute. If able, please donate. If willing, please boost. Remember, we are crowd-funding, with . Also, the space in which you are reading this, was single-handedly created and given to us by our Founding Hacker @th3j35t3r . Help us thank him?

Good morning beautiful people! I got a case of Twitter fatigue atm, I'll dwell on coso occasionally cos * lots of work/websites to build/ manhwa to draw/ places to go etc *
Shout-out to the ah-mah-zing Jester - haven't forgot my promise lol yer I'm coming off the deadend of a long writer's block so I might need more time 😅 I'll also remind you to check the and join!

Waiting to see if I guessed correctly. New development regarding intelligence whistleblower - re Trump's phone call with...
"My guess, he promised Putin something. Or the Saudis. And the guys on the line / present in the room / went what the fuc."

Running to a class. Sleep tight or if you're on the same time zone as moi, get going! Bisous!

Good morning/night! If you didn't figure it out, either I'm spending my nights on social media or I'm on a different time zone.
😎 Let's go with the time zone. So while you're sleeping zzzz I'll be answering & posting news. Sorry for the delay and hope to find follows from Europe/ or night owls. It gets too quiet here after 11pm...

In my dreams I dance, like a pulled string on a Christmas gift then I am, music and motion unshackled from my body.

Hi. I'm back after a momentary lapse in judgement called Twitter - good morning peeps! Or good night!

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