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If you want the Democrats to keep control in 2022 I want to follow you.

Laurie boosted

The modern GOP:

Republican wins GOP nomination — from jail as he awaits trial for murdering his wife

Laurie boosted
Laurie boosted

See a troll post? Don’t engage. Use the tools available. On the bottom right of the post, click on the three dots for the report option. Then block the account so it’s post no longer appears in your feed. It will be dealt with accordingly. 💜

Laurie boosted

If you want the Democrats to keep control in 2022 I want to follow you.

If you want the Democrats to keep control in 2022 I want to follow you.

I'm am done watching talk news. I think CNN is my go to now. So tired of ex Republicans telling the Democrats they are going to lose mid terms. It's my belief that there are more educated smart people out there with common sense and who knows what will happen if the Republicans are in control. We aren't going to let that happen.

Good morning all. I see CoSo is up and running. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I think yard work is in order now that the white stuff is gone🙂🙃😉

Laurie boosted
Laurie boosted

Musk and Amber were essentially extorting Depp & demanded tax free, cash payments.

Color can change your mood.....this changes mine every time.

Laurie boosted

NEW: The son of a dead Deutsche Bank executive — armed with hundreds of confidential bank files — has been secretly helping the FBI and the House Intelligence Committee investigate the bank and Donald Trump.

Laurie boosted

IT'S ALIVE!!! users can now create and own their own 100% secure groups for or whatever. I can't see your stuff there, and neither can any government in the galaxy.

Laurie boosted

Good morning everyone. What a beautiful day.

So alot of people are upset on Twitter about losing followers.

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